Title : Nanamaru Sanbatsu (ナナマルサンバツ~7○3×~)
Alternative Name : ナナマルサンバツ~7○3×~, 703X, 7O3X, 7O3X!抢答战争, Nana Maru San Bantsu, Nana Maru San Batsu, Nana Maru San Batsu – 7O3X, Nana Maru San Batsu – 7O3X-
Genre(s) : School Life, Seinen, Sports
Author : SUGIMOTO Iqura
Artist : SUGIMOTO Iqura
Years : 2010
Status in Country of Origin : 06 Volumes (Ongoing)
Question: What is the format of competitive quiz bowls, called “golden rule” by truly able players?
Answer: 7 Right 3 Wrong
Explanation: It means that one wins when he gets seven correct answers, or gets disqualifed when he gives three incorrect answers. It’s a standard rule loved by competitive quiz bowl players.
RAW Manga Nanamaru Sanbatsu Volume 01-05 | ナナマルサンバツ~7○3×~ 第01-05巻
Nanamaru Sanpatsu 01.rar – 106.4 MB
Nanamaru Sanpatsu 02.rar – 51.6 MB
Nanamaru Sanpatsu 04.rar – 63.9 MB
Nanamaru Sanpatsu 05.rar – 78.6 MB