Title : Sex Crime (セックスクライム)
Alternative Name : セックスクライム, Sex Crime Zero, Zero Sum Game
Genre(s) : Adult, Drama
Author : HATSUKI Kyo
Artist : HATSUKI Kyo
Years : 2000
Status in Country of Origin : 03 Volumes (Complete)
Yuuka’s boyfriend/husband has a brother in the band “Zero Sum” as the lead singer. After a request, she and her husband Yazaki got tickets to go backstage at a concert. However afterwards, all the band members, except Keith the leader, kidnapped and forced her on the rooftop all as a scheme by Keith who is madly in love with his brother. Now she can’t forget nor can she get away.
Warning: Mature Content!
RAW Manga Sex Crime Volume 01-03 | セックスクライム 第01-03巻
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