Title : Cross and Crime (クロス アンド クライム)
Alternative Name : クロス アンド クライム, Cross & Crime, CROSSandCRIME
Genre(s) : Adult, Ecchi, Mature, Seinen
Author : HATSUKI Kyo
Artist : HATSUKI Kyo
Years : 2009
Status in Country of Origin : 01 Volumes (Ongoing)
Tokano Yuuka has been going out with her boyfriend Yazaki Norikazu for a little over a year now but doesn’t get to see him everyday since he works in a different city as a newspaper writer. Although they are apart, they love each other and things are going well. Norikazu gets an opportunity to interview Saeki Keito, the lead singer of the most popular band in Japan, Zero Sum Game, because they were good friends in high school. Being a fan of the band, Yuuka gets to tag along. However, Yuuka soon finds herself being forced by the members of the band while Keito distracts Norikazu because it seems that Keito has an obsession with him. After the traumatic event, the relationship between the three becomes extremely complicated.
RAW Manga Cross and Crime Volume 01| クロス アンド クライム
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