Title:Gekiga Hitler (劇画ヒットラー) – 1 Volume Complete
Alternative Name : 劇画ヒットラー, Gekiga Hitler, Hitler: La Novela Gráfica, Hitler: The Graphic Novel
Genre(s) : Drama, Historical, Psychological, Seinen
Author : MIZUKI Shigeru
Artist : MIZUKI Shigeru
Years : 1971
Status in Country of Origin : 01 Volume (Complete)
Hitler: The Graphic Novel is a rigorous and lucid biography illuminated with a pulse and freshness that only a full-blooded narrator can still bring about on one of the most complex figures in the history of the world.
From his beginnings as a mediocre painter to the horror of the Final Solution, the maestro of manga, Shigeru Mizuki, draws some of his best pages in this work without losing sight of a human monster, all too human.