Title: Amagami: Sincerely Yours (アマガミ Sincerely yours -シンシアリーユアーズ-) – 1 Volume Complete
Alternative Name : アマガミ シンシアリーユアーズ, Amagami Sincerely Yours, Amagami: Sincerely Yours
Genre(s) : Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, School Life, Shounen
Artist : SAKURA Kotetsu
Years : 2009
Status in Country of Origin : 01 Volume (Complete/Discontinued)
Based on the visual novel by Enterbrain with the same name.
Note: This manga focuses on all of the girls at once, instead of different arcs.
Amagami – Sincerely Yours 01.rar – 55.3 MB
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