Title : Kugutsu Hanayuugi – Chinese Coppelia (傀儡華遊戯 チャイニーズ・コッペリア)
Alternative Name : 傀儡華遊戯 チャイニーズ・コッペリア, 傀儡華遊戲-中國木偶奇譚, Chinese Coppelia, Kugutsu Hana Yuugi
Genre(s) : Historical, Horror, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural
Author : AKINO Matsuri
Artist : AKINO Matsuri
Years : 2012
Status in Country of Origin : 03 Volumes (Ongoing)
Eighth century China, the capital Chang’an. In the theater arrives a mysterious puppet-master called Feng Yao with his beautiful doll Mei Hua. The two of them collect the negative emotions of all those who approach them, enchanted by Mei Hua’s beauty. What is their real reason for coming to the capital…?
RAW Manga Kugutsu Hanayuugi – Chinese Coppelia Volume 01 | 傀儡華遊戯 チャイニーズ・コッペリア 第01巻
Kugutsu Hanayuugi – Chinese Coppelia 01.rar – 107.3 MB