Title : Ikenai Day Dream (いけないDAYDREAM) – 3 Volume Complete
Alternative Name : いけないDAY DREAM, Ikenai Daydream
Genre(s) : Ecchi, Romance, Shounen
Author : NAKANISHI Yasuhiro
Artist : NAKANISHI Yasuhiro
Years : 1988
Status in Country of Origin : 03 Volumes (Complete)
Miyake Yuuri is in her 2nd year of high school. She has a well-developed body, but no experience with men. But she’s still a normal teenage girl, and she gets interested in boys from time to time. Although, maybe normal isn’t the best word…because when she gets worked up, she has precognitive visions! These visions always involve her in provocative situations, and they always come true.
RAW Manga Ikenai Day Dream Volume 01-03 | いけないDAYDREAM 第01-03巻
Ikenai Day Dream 01-02.rar – 145.8 MB
Ikenai Day Dream 03.rar – 69.7 MB