Title : Tama & Hana (たま・はな)
Alternative Name : たま・はな, Tama Hana
Genre(s) : Ecchi, Shounen
Author : YASUHARA Ichiru
Artist : YASUHARA Ichiru
Years : 2005
Status in Country of Origin : 06 Volumes (Complete)
What if one day you woke up, and your pet dog and cat were beautiful girls? What if those girls didn’t fully understand they weren’t pets anymore? What will the neighbors think?
RAW Manga Tama & Hana Volume 01-04 | たま・はな 第01-04巻
Tama Hana 01-02.rar – 129.7 MB
Tama Hana 03-04.rar – 144.5 MB
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