Title :Majestic Prince (マジェスティックプリンス)
Alternative Name : マジェスティックプリンス
Genre(s) : Action, Drama, Ecchi, Mecha, Romance, School Life, Sci-fi, Seinen
Author : AYAMINE Rando
Artist : NIIJIMA Hikaru
Years : 2011
Status in Country of Origin : 01 Volumes (Ongoing)
After mankind expanded it’s frontier into space in a quest for resources. Advances in genetic engineering research allow humans to adapt to the new frontier, leading to the advent of evolved children such as the protagonist Izuru. Izuru enrolls in an academy city called Gurantseere to fulfill his mission of “protecting humanity”.
RAW Manga Majestic Prince Volume 01 | マジェスティックプリンス 第01巻
Majestic Prince 01.rar – 146.8 MB
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