Title:Yasha Garasu (夜叉鴉) – 10 Volume Complete
Alternative Name : 夜叉鴉
Genre(s) : Action, Adventure, Horror, Mature, Seinen, Supernatural
Author : OGINO Makoto
Artist : OGINO Makoto
Years : 1993
Status in Country of Origin : 10 Volumes (Complete)
Nachi Takeru is a young man who supervises a mountain shrine, where three teenage girls also work. Takeru can’t get into any good colleges, but he figures that he’s destined to run his family’s shrine, anyway. The three girls are working at the isolated shrine for various reasons, and they sometimes complain about being so far away from cute boys (other than Takeru) and civilization. However, aside from the peaceful mountain shrine life, Takeru also uses his shinto powers to defeat powerful evil spirits (Aradama) as the protector Yasha Garasu!