Title : Hana wa Kurenai (花は紅)
Alternative Name : 花は紅
Genre(s) : Adult
Author : MURAO Mio
Artist : MURAO Mio
Years : 2001
Status in Country of Origin : 07 Volumes (Complete)
Country boy Midori has just moved to Tokyo to work at a job that he landed through family connections. His naïve and extremely honest personality makes him an easy target in the big city, but, at the same time, the women seem to fall in love with him. He’s still a virgin and thinks that he should only have sex with the woman that he truly loves and this is also the other reason he moved to Tokyo: to find a wife. He starts working at his new company under mysterious circumstances and his love life causes Midori to have problems he has never experienced before.
RAW Manga Hana wa Kurenai Volume 01-07 | 花は紅 第01-07巻
Hana wa Kurenai 01.rar – 112.1 MB
Hana wa Kurenai 06.rar – 90.6 MB
Hana wa Kurenai 07.rar – 91.5 MB