Title : Kanojo no Kagi wo Akeru Houhou (彼女の鍵を開ける方法)
Alternative Name : 彼女の鍵を開ける方法, Kanojo no Kagi o Hirakeru Houhou, Kanojo no Kagi w Akeru Houhou, Kanojo no Kagi wo Hirakeru Houhou
Genre(s) : Adult, Comedy, Ecchi, Mature, Romance, School Life, Seinen
Author : NAKATA Yumi
Artist : NAKATA Yumi
Years : 2008
Status in Country of Origin : 06 Volumes (Ongoing)
Haruma’s first impression of the new transfer student, Chitose, would be striped panties. Running into her in the hallway, Chitose’s panties greet Haruma before they even know each other. Immediately, Haruma finds himself attracted to this mysterious panty girl, only to find out that she is transfering into his class AND she’s going to be the new house keeper at his apartment.
(Not to mention her little problem with a rather strong exhibitionism streak…)
Let the skirt flying romance comedy begin!
RAW Manga Kanojo no Kagi wo Akeru Houhou Volume 01-06 | 彼女の鍵を開ける方法 第01-06巻
Kanojo no Kagi wo Akeru Houhou 01.rar – 56.7 MB
Kanojo no Kagi wo Akeru Houhou 02-03.rar – 183.2 MB
Kanojo no Kagi wo Akeru Houhou 04-05.rar – 179.6 MB
Kanojo no Kagi wo Akeru Houhou 06.rar – 89.7 MB