Title : Moretsu! Boing Sensei (モーレツ! ボイン先生)
Alternative Name : モーレツ!ボイン先生, モーレツ!ボイン先生, Boing Boing Sensei, Boing Boing Teacher, Boing-Boing Teacher, Boing-Boing Teacher!!, Intense! Big Breasted Teacher, Mo-Retsu! Boin Sensei
Genre(s) : Adult, Comedy, Harem, Romance
Years : 2005
Status in Country of Origin : 05 Volumes (Complete)
Kawano has an incredible fetish that is about to be realized. He fantasizes about the AV sexual adventures of his favorite adult star Miss Boin (“boin” meaning the sound a big breast makes in motion—think “boing!”), little realizing that the school he’s about to teach at has a head teacher that he suspects is in private Miss Boin! Even the little mole on her enormous chest is the same, but is it really her? A madcap sexual comedy in which Kawano sets out to score with all the teachers…
RAW Manga Moretsu! Boing Sensei Volume 01-05 | モーレツ! ボイン先生 第01-05巻
Moretsu! Boing Sensei 01-03.rar – 152.1 MB
Moretsu! Boing Sensei 04-05.rar – 109.0 MB