Title : Okinimesu Mama Goshujinsama (お気に召すままご主人サマ)
Alternative Name : お気に召すままご主人サマ, 今日からアナタ樣のメイド宣言!! お気に召すままご主人サマ, Okinimesu Mama Goshujin-sama
Genre(s) : Adult, Seinen
Author : ITOU Ei
Artist : ITOU Ei
Years : 2008
Status in Country of Origin : 04 Volumes (Ongoing)
Kimihiro Sekiya is a normal salary man, living alone in his apartment, with a reasonably normal life. One night, a “stray” maid appears at his front door, telling him that she is a maid sent by his grandfather. Naming herself as Rin, she explains that in the past, she and Kimihiro played together when he was young, but he doesn’t recall such memories. Even so, he accepts this maid. But what is she capable of? She is very spontaneous, ditsy, too energetic, and lacks the delicate skills of a normal maid, making her more like a burdensome maid. How will Kimihiro live his life with such troubles? And will Rin be able to please her new master.
RAW Manga Okinimesu Mama Goshujinsama Volume 01-04 | お気に召すままご主人サマ 第01-04巻
Okini Mesu Mama Goshujinsama! 01.rar – 131.6 MB
Okini Mesu Mama Goshujinsama! 02.rar – 131.0 MB
Okini Mesu Mama Goshujinsama! 03.rar – 135.4 MB
Okini Mesu Mama Goshujinsama! 04.rar – 131.1 MB