Title : S to M (SとM)
Alternative Name : SとM, S&M
Genre(s) : Adult, Ecchi, Romance, Seinen
Author : MURAO Mio
Artist : MURAO Mio
Years : 2005
Status in Country of Origin : 28 Volumes (Complete)
The story’s about a straight-edged, boring, careful family man Makoto (i.e. “M”) and Saya (i.e. “S”) the daughter of a classmate whose life he unintentionally ruined. S is basically out to extract revenge for her mother by blackmailing, stalking and just making life miserable for M.
RAW Manga S to M Volume 01-28 | SとM 第01-28巻
S to M 21-22.rar – 102.3 MB
S to M 23-25.rar – 165.7 MB
S to M 26-28.rar – 162.2 MB
S to M no Sekai 01-02.rar – 107.7 MB
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