Title : Ace! (エース!)
Alternative Name : エース!
Genre(s) : Drama, Romance, Shoujo, Sports
Author : SASAKI Junko
Artist : SASAKI Junko
Years : 1985
Status in Country of Origin : 04 Volumes (Complete)
Hoshina Manami is the energetic ace of the Kitagawa Jr. High School Volleyball Team. Although strong-willed and lacking finesse, her play style is dynamic and attention-grabbing. Can she lead her inexperienced team to the national championship against several rival teams while dealing with possible issues of love along the way? A tale of youth and dreams as told by the classic shoujo manga-ka Sasaki Junko.
RAW Manga Ace! Volume 01-04 | エース!第01-04巻
Ace! 01-02.rar – 164.6 MB
Ace! 03-04.rar – 171.5 MB
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