Title:Ai no Fujitsubo (愛のふじつぼ) – 2 Volume Complete
Alternative Name : 愛のふじつぼ
Genre(s) : Comedy, Romance
Author : KOIZUMI Mari
Artist : KOIZUMI Mari
Years : 1994
Status in Country of Origin : 02 Volumes (Complete)
Love is important in a relationship, but what about the love between Sachiko and Akira? It’s quite apparent that Akira doesn’t really care about Sachiko. But Sachiko loves Akira as her dearest. Where is this love going? Is it even love at all? In this insincere love we witness the daily life between an OL who loves and receives nothing, and a unemployed guy who only loves women, sex, and fun.
Ai no Fujitsubo 01-02.rar – 84.7 MB
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