Title :Boku wa Mini ni Koishiteru (僕はミニに恋してる)
Alternative Name : 僕はミニに恋してる, I Love Mini
Genre(s) : Seinen
Author : MIYASU Nonki
Artist : MIYASU Nonki
Years : 1992
Status in Country of Origin : 06 Volumes (Complete)
Takawaka Ichirou is a young office worker with a crush on a fellow employee named Fukamachi Haruka, and she has some feelings for him as well. They work at a company that makes auto parts, but they’re nothing compared to Ichirou’s beloved Mini Cooper. When he was in college he would race his little car against super cars and win. Can he use those skills to win Haruka’s heart?
RAW Manga Boku wa Mini ni Koishiteru Volume 01-06 | 僕はミニに恋してる 第01-06巻
Boku wa Mini ni Koishiteru 01-02.rar – 144.2 MB
Boku wa Mini ni Koishiteru 03-04.rar – 133.0 MB