Title : Haru-nee ga Boku ni xx Suru Riyuu (ハル姉が僕に××する理由)
Alternative Name : ハル姉が僕に××する理由, 春姐为我做XX的理由, Haru Nee ga Boku ni xx Suru Riyuu, Haru-nee ga Boku ni Peke-Peke Suru Riyuu, The Reason Haru-nee Did XX To Me
Genre(s) : Ecchi, Romance, Shounen, Supernatural
Author : OHMI Takeshi
Artist : OHMI Takeshi
Years : 2013
Status in Country of Origin : 01 Volumes (Ongoing)
When Hideto, a high-school student who is afraid of women, is suddenly targeted by a beautiful older woman whom he believes to be a molester, he runs for his life. Mid-pursuit, he is attacked by what he previously believed to be an illusion, a blur that nobody else could see.
RAW Manga Haru-nee ga Boku ni xx Suru Riyuu Volume 01 | ハル姉が僕に××する理由 第01巻
Haru-nee ga Boku ni xx Suru Riyuu 01.rar – 112.2 MB