Title : Heaven’s Prison (天獄)
Touko’s life seemed so ordinary, until she got that call… At the scene of the accident, by the puddle of blood, a young maid appeared… could no one else see her? And then, around the corner, a cry for help from a silver-haired boy… The veils are being lifted and the truth is being revealed!
RAW Manga Heaven’s Prison Volume 01-08 | 天狱 第01-08巻
Heavens Prison 01-03.rar – 148.4 MB
Heavens Prison 04-05.rar – 118.9 MB
Heavens Prison 06-07.rar – 151.4 MB
Heavens Prison 08.rar – 72.6 MB
Status in Country of Origin : 08 Volumes (Ongoing)
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