Title : Juu – Ninpou Makai Tenshou (十 忍法魔界転生)
Alternative Name : 十〜忍法魔界転生〜
Genre(s) : Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Seinen
Author : YAMADA Fuutarou
Artist : SEGAWA Masaki
Years : 2012
Status in Country of Origin : 05 Volumes (Ongoing)
This is the latest story of the famous “Ninpo-cho” series of Yamada Fuutarou. It begins in 1638, during the Shimabara Rebellion, where a powerful swordsman who should have died is instead transformed by an arcane ritual into a demonic creature. As time passes, more swordsman facing death go through this transformation. What could these new, demonic swordsmen be planning?
RAW Manga Juu – Ninpou Makai Tenshou Volume 01 | 十 忍法魔界転生 01
Juu – Ninpou Makai Tenshou 01.rar – 30.4 MB
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