Title : Kokushi no Shima (黒祠の島)
Alternative Name : 黒祠の島, Island of the Black Shrine
Genre(s) : Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Seinen
Author : ONO Fuyumi
Artist : YAMAMOTO Kotetsuko
Years : 2005
Status in Country of Origin : 03 Volumes (Complete)
Two friends investigate the disappearance of a writer on a small island, which has been largely cut off from the mainland since the fall of the Shinto during the Meji era. They stumble across several strange occurrences, such as a naked female corpse hanging upside down on a tree during one stormy night. Locals speak of old-standing traditions, folk rituals and superstitions, but after more bodies were found, Shiho and Tsuyoshi wonder if there’s a serial killer among the locals…
RAW Manga Kokushi no Shima Volume 01-03 | 黒祠の島 第01-03巻
Kokushi no Shima 01-03.rar – 126.2 MB