Title: Meteor Methuselah (メテオ・メトセラ) – 11 Volume Complete
Alternative Name : メテオ・メトセラ, Immortal Rain, Meteo Metosera
Genre(s) : Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-fi, Shoujo, Supernatural, Tragedy
Author : OZAKI Kaori
Artist : OZAKI Kaori
Years : 1999
Status in Country of Origin : 11 Volumes (Complete)
Rain Jewlitt, known as the Methuselah, is a spaced-out, immortal, 624-year-old man dressed in priest’s clothes. He’s got eternal youth and a large price on his head… put there by those questing after the secret of his immortality.
Machika Balfaltin is a tomboyish, energetic 14-year-old girl who, upon the death of her grandfather, sets out to kill Methuselah, the one bounty her assassin grandfather, Zol the Grim Reaper, couldn’t kill. Instead, however, Machika ends up being saved by Rain again and again from other aspiring bounty hunters attacking them both.
Sound like the beginnings of an odd relationship? You won’t believe where their journey takes them…
Meteor Methuselah 01-02.rar – 127.4 MB
Meteor Methuselah 03-04.rar – 170.6 MB
Meteor Methuselah 05-06.rar – 181.1 MB
Meteor Methuselah 07-08.rar – 192.5 MB
Meteor Methuselah 09-10.rar – 49.6 MB
Meteor Methuselah 11.rar – 179.1 MB