Title : Ojama Yurei-kun (おじゃまユーレイくん)
Alternative Name : おじゃまユーレイくん
Genre(s) : Comedy, Ecchi, Gender Bender, Shounen, Supernatural
Author : YOSHIKAWA Susumu
Artist : YOSHIKAWA Susumu
Years : 1979
Status in Country of Origin : 03 Volumes (Complete)
Yurei dies in an accident, but his soul is not taken to the afterlife.
So he roams the earth haunting his childhood friend Kodama who is the only person who can see him, occasionally possessing her body and the bodies of other people for all kinds of mischief.
RAW Manga Ojama Yurei-kun Volume 01-03 | おじゃまユーレイくん 第01-03巻
Ojama Yurei-kun 01-03.rar – 169.0 MB
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