Title :Ore no Sora (俺の空)
Alternative Name : 俺の空, My Sky
Genre(s) : Seinen
Author : MOTOMIYA Hiroshi
Artist : MOTOMIYA Hiroshi
Years : 1975
Status in Country of Origin : 09 Volumes (Complete)
All the Ore no Sora series deal with the Yasuda family. The first two series is about Yasuda Ippei. This is a Otoko Roman Manga. The genre is about Japanese men fantasizing about being successful in the world.
RAW Manga Ore no Sora Volume 01-09 | 俺の空 第01-09巻
Ore no Sora 01-04.rar – 136.8 MB
Ore no Sora 05-07.rar – 143.3 MB
Ore no Sora 08-09.rar – 131.9 MB
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