Title : Red Eyes (レッドアイーズ)
Alternative Name : レッドアイーズ
Genre(s) : Action Mecha Sci-fi Shounen
Author : SHINDO Jun
Artist : SHINDO Jun
Years : 1999
Status in Country of Origin : 18 Volumes (Ongoing)
My war isn’t over!
One mobile suit infantryman’s personal battle resumes as a red fire blazes again in his eyes!
Betrayed by his own men, Captain Grahad Mills, a commander of the SAA Special Force “Jackal,” is held responsible for a conspiracy about which he knew nothing. Without defense counsel at his court, he is sentenced to death. On the morning of his execution, he escapes the military detention center; in the process blasting a troop of national military guards and killing its commander–Captain Waldman, his former subordinate and betrayer. All this is for revenge and to find out the reason for the treachery. The former hero–feared and known as “Genocide–starts to fight a battle he created by himself.
RAW Manga Red Eyes Volume 01-18 | レッドアイーズ 第01-18巻
Red Eyes 01-03.rar – 151.6 MB
Red Eyes 04-06.rar – 175.6 MB
Red Eyes 10-12.rar – 158.3 MB
Red Eyes 13-14.rar – 163.7 MB
Red Eyes 15.rar – 102.5 MB
Red Eyes 16.rar – 107.2 MB
Red Eyes 17.rar – 69.2 MB
Red Eyes 18.rar – 76.0 MB