Title : Ro Kyu Bu! (RO-KYU-BU!-ロウきゅーぶ!-)
Alternative Name : ロウきゅーぶ!, 萝球社, Ro-Kyu-Bu!, Roukyuubu!
Genre(s) : Drama, Romance, School Life, Shounen, Sports
Author : AOYAMA Sagu
Artist : TAKAMI Yuuki
Years : 2010
Status in Country of Origin : 06 Volumes (Ongoing)
Subaru has only ever wanted to play basketball, but right after having transferred to a high school specifically to play in their basketball club the team captain, whom Subaru looked up to as a hero, vanishes leaving behind rumors that he ‘eloped’ with a grade-schooler! The team is disbanded and the members are shunned by their schoolmates. In the middle of this Subaru’s aunt, who teaches grade school, asks Subaru to come coach a girl’s basketball club at her school. At first Subaru wants nothing to do with it, but the determination and drive of one of the girls on the team gives him a change of heart.
RAW Manga Ro Kyu Bu! Volume 01-06 | RO-KYU-BU!-ロウきゅーぶ!- 第01-068巻
Ro Kyu Bu 01.rar – 105.0 MB
Ro Kyu Bu 02.rar – 101.9 MB
Ro Kyu Bu 04.rar – 122.6 MB
Ro Kyu Bu! 05.rar – 90.6 MB
Ro Kyu Bu! 06.rar – 80.0 MB