Title : Shiawase Restaurant (幸せレストラン)
Alternative Name : 幸せレストラン
Genre(s) : Seinen
Author : NAKANISHI Yasuhiro
Artist : NAKANISHI Yasuhiro
Years : 2006
Status in Country of Origin : 05 Volumes (Complete)
Kousuke’s father was an accomplished chef who died young, leaving behind his son, and leaving his restaurant to his wife of three days, Yuuko. Now, Kousuke has become a chef at his father’s restaurant, and he wants to use his father’s ultimate French menu in the restaurant…but Yuuko doesn’t agree.
RAW Manga Shiawase Restaurant Volume 01-05 | 幸せレストラン 第01-05巻
Shiawase Restaurant 01-03.rar – 132.8 MB
Shiawase Restaurant 04-05.rar – 87.3 MB
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