Title : Shoujo Gensou Necrophilia (少女幻葬ネクロフィリア)
Alternative Name : 少女幻葬ネクロフィリア, 少女幻葬~Necrophilia, Necrophile of Darkside Sister, Necrophilia of Darkside Sister
Genre(s) : Drama, Horror, Mature, Seinen, Supernatural
Author : KAZUMIYA Akira
Artist : KAZUMIYA Akira
Years : 2011
Status in Country of Origin : 03 Volumes (Ongoing)
Georg and Riselotte are your typical brother and sister, except the former’s a priest and the latter’s “alive” by way of…darker methods. As a result, Rise is stuck in a child-like body. Georg immerses himself in research to free Rise from these chains.
RAW Manga Shoujo Gensou Necrophilia Volume 01-03 | 少女幻葬ネクロフィリア 第01-03巻
Shoujo Gensou Necrophilia 01.rar – 136.6 MB
Shoujo Gensou Necrophilia 02.rar – 121.1 MB
Shoujo Gensou Necrophilia 03.rar – 221.8 MB