Title : Sidonia no Kishi (シドニアの騎士)
Risking his life to ensure humanity’s survival, Taniakze Nagate rides out in his silver armour, the Tsugumori!
Thousands of years have passed since the Gauna destroyed the Solar System.
The enormous seed ship, Sidonia, travels through space while propagating and producing humans.
Brought up in the lowest decks of Sidonia, a young man, Tanikaze Nagate, becomes a Guardian trainee, and is authorized to pilot the outdated but historically renowned Tsugumori.
The battle with Nagate’s life at stake begins now!
RAW Manga Sidonia no Kishi Volume 01-13 | シドニアの騎士 第01-13巻
Sidonia no Kishi 01-02.rar – 112.1 MB
Sidonia no Kishi 03-04.rar – 111.3 MB
Sidonia no Kishi 05-06.rar – 169.6 MB
Sidonia no Kishi 07.rar – 102.9 MB
Sidonia no Kishi 08.rar – 89.4 MB
Sidonia no Kishi 09.rar – 101.1 MB
Sidonia no Kishi 10.rar – 101.2 MB
Sidonia no Kishi 11.rar – 108.3 MB
Sidonia no Kishi 12.rar – 96.0 MB
Sidonia no Kishi 13.rar – 148.6 MB
Status in Country of Origin : 13 Volumes (Ongoing)