Title : travaganza – Isai no Hime (ストラヴァカンツァ 異彩の姫)
Alternative Name : ストラヴァガンツァ -異彩の姫-, 异彩的公主
Genre(s) : Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Seinen
Author : TOMI Akihito
Artist : TOMI Akihito
Years : 2012
Status in Country of Origin : 01 Volumes (Ongoing)
Humans live mostly behind safe walls, protected from the many non-human creatures outside. In this kingdom’s walled capital city of Mitera lives an unusual young warrior woman known as Claria. The story begins as she takes a potentially deadly walk alone in the woods, encountering various dangerous creatures– most notably a lizardman that treats her surprisingly kindly. But what no one knows about Claria is that she is secretly this kingdom’s ruler, Queen Vivian!
RAW Manga Stravaganza – Isai no Hime Volume 01 | ストラヴァカンツァ 異彩の姫 第01巻
Stravaganza – Isai no Hime 01.rar – 68.3 MB