Title : uuka Ichiban! (中華一番!)
Alternative Name : 中华小当家, 中華一番!, 中華小廚師!, China’s Number One!, Cooking Master Boy
Genre(s) : Action, Comedy, Drama, Historical, Shounen
Author : OGAWA Etsushi
Artist : OGAWA Etsushi
Years : 1995
Status in Country of Origin : 05 Volumes (Complete)
After the death of Mao’s mother, who was called the “Fairy of Cuisine”, Mao must strive to become a legendary chef himself, in order to take the title as head chef at his mother’s restaurant. To do this, he must travel to China to learn the many ways of cooking. During his journey, he meets great friends and also fierce rivals.
RAW Manga Chuuka Ichiban! Volume 01-05 | 中華一番!第01-05巻
Chuuka Ichiban! 01-03.rar – 106.7 MB
Chuuka Ichiban! 04-05.rar – 80.6 MB