Coppelion(コッペリオン) vol 01-24

Coppelion(コッペリオン) vol 01-24

Associated Names コッペリオン,核爆默示录
In 2016 a meltdown of a nuclear power plant creates a big catastrophe in Tokyo. 20 years later, the city has become a ghost town due to the high levels of radiation. From that area a distress signal is received, the Self-Defense Forces dispatch 3 girls from the special unit Coppelion to search for survivors. But why aren’t they wearing any protection against radiation?
Author(s) INOUE Tomonori

Coppelion v24.rar – 107.4 MB

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Jisatsutou ( 自殺島)vol 01-14

Jisatsutou ( 自殺島)vol 01-14

Associated Names 自殺島,Jisatsuto,Suicide Island
Treating non-successful suicidal patients requires a lot of money and resources. With low budget and a personal respect argumentation, a doctor will ask a non-successful suicidal patient if he/she still wants to live on or not. If not the government will respect his/her wish. However, the government doesn’t just simply kill them.
Author(s) MORI Kouji

Jisatsutou v14.rar – 103.0 MB

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Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai (只有神才知道的世界) vol 01-26

Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai (只有神才知道的世界) vol 01-26

Associated Names 只有神才知道的世界,机神追女攻略,神のみぞ知るセカイ
Katsuragi Keima is known on the net as the god of getting the girls while in real life he’s known as otamegane and he hates all real girls. However he is approached by Elsie, a devil from hell, to help her in catching runaway spirits that hide in people. Apparently the spirits only hide in the hearts of girls and the only way to get the souls out is by making the girl fall in love so the spirit gets forced out. And he’s not allowed to fail or he will lose his head.
Author(s): WAKAKI Tamiki

Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai v26.rar – 106.6 MB

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Landreaall (ランドリオール) vol 01-26

Landreaall (ランドリオール) vol 01-26

Associated Names ランドリオール,Landreall
Siscon. Power-phobia. Son of the great General Luccafort. Son of a general. Wether-crown. Fourth-in-line for succession. The titles, accolades, expectations, respect, and envy for DX Luccafort keeps coming. But all he wanted to do was win Marion’s hand. Landreaall follows DX, his sister Ion, and his bodyguard/brother Rokkou as they leave their home in the countryside and brace themselves to take on whatever their famous last name brings them.
Author(s)OGAKI Chika

Landreaall v26 LQ.rar – 7.2 MB
Landreaall v26.rar – 101.5 MB
Landreaall v26b.rar – 101.5 MB

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