Title : Shin Tennis no Oujisama (新テニスの王子様)
Alternative Name : 新テニスの王子様, 新网球王子, New Prince of Tennis, Shin Prince of Tennis, Shin Tennis no Ojisama
Genre(s) : Comedy, Drama, School Life, Shounen, Sports
Author : KONOMI Takeshi
Artist : KONOMI Takeshi
Years : 2009
Status in Country of Origin : 9 Volumes (Ongoing)
The purported advertisement from the Jump Square issue says that everything in The Prince of Tennis up to now has been a “prologue” and that “a new legend for Ryoma and the others will begin”.
50 middle school players have been invited to participate in the All Japan U-17
Selection Camp. Ryoma Echizen returns from the U.S to join his teammates and rivals.
RAW Manga Shin Tennis no Oujisama Volume 01-09 | 新テニスの王子様 第01-09巻
Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama 01-02.rar – 112.7 MB
Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama 03-04.rar – 142.0 MB
Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama 05-07.rar – 119.1 MB
Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama 08-09.rar – 135.2 MB