Title :Andou Natsu – Edo Wagashi Shokunin Monogatari (あんどーなつ 江戸和菓子職人物語)
Alternative Name : あんどーなつ, あんどーなつ 江戸和菓子職人物語, Andō Natsu, Andoo Natsu, Andou Natsu
Genre(s) : Drama, Seinen, Slice of Life
Author : NISHI Yuji
Artist : TERRY Yamamoto
Years : 2006
Status in Country of Origin : 15 Volumes (Ongoing)
Ando Natsu, whose dream is to become a patissiere, finds herself jobless after the shop owner’s sudden death. She goes to Tokyo in search of another job at a confectionery but the recruiting period has just ended and there are no available positions. This is when she makes her first encounter with the well-established Japanese confectionery “Mangetsudo”. It is run by the veteran confectioner Umekichi, Takezo, and Mitsuko, and they happened to be looking for a part-time worker. A number of chance events follow and Natsu starts working at Mangetsudo. Although her job is to serve customers, Natsu becomes interested in the world of Japanese confection. Having only worked in cake shops, everything is new to her and she is gradually drawn into the deepness and profoundness of Japanese confection.
RAW Manga Andou Natsu – Edo Wagashi Shokunin Monogatari Volume 01-15 | あんどーなつ 江戸和菓子職人物語 第01-15巻
Andou Natsu – Edo Wagashi Shokunin Monogatari 16.rar – 83.8 MB
Andou Natsu – Edo Wagashi Shokunin Monogatari 17.rar – 106.8 MB
Andou Natsu 01-02.rar – 103.5 MB
Andou Natsu 03-05.rar – 142.0 MB
Andou Natsu 06-08.rar – 125.3 MB
Andou Natsu 09.rar – 106.6 MB
Andou Natsu 10-11.rar – 137.2 MB
Andou Natsu 12-13.rar – 170.1 MB
Andou Natsu 14.rar – 136.1 MB
Andou Natsu 15.rar – 81.0 MB