Title : iman Gambler Mouse (リーマンギャンブラー マウス)
Alternative Name : リーマンギャンブラー マウス
Genre(s) : Adult, Drama, Psychological, Seinen
Author : TAKAHASHI Noboru
Artist : TAKAHASHI Noboru
Years : 2000
Status in Country of Origin : 04 Volumes (Complete)
Tadanori Takamura is a failure in everything he does. His job, his marriage, his life. One day, he is offered a way out of his hell (by a 3-fingered woman): A gambling game called “cowarDICE”. Shady characters and dark moods abound in this intense gambling drama by Noboru Takahashi.
RAW Manga Riman Gambler Mouse Volume 01-04 | リーマンギャンブラー マウス 第01-04巻
Riman Gambler Mouse 01-02.rar – 151.8 MB
Riman Gambler Mouse 03-04.rar – 155.5 MB
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