Title : Kono S wo, Mi yo! (このSを、見よ!)
Alternative Name : このSを、見よ!; 丘比特的恶作剧 III; Ecce S; Kono S wo, Mi yo!; Kono S wo, Miyo!; Take a Look at This S!; This S, Look at It!
Genre(s) : Adult, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Harem, Romance, Seinen, Supernatural
Author : KITAZAKI Taku
Artist : KITAZAKI Taku
Years : 2009
Status in Country of Origin : 15 Volumes (Complete)
22-year-old Rin has two major problems; a complex about the tatoo-like birthmark on his butt and a crush on an older woman who thinks of him as her little brother. Rin hasn’t allowed any woman to see his naked bottom since an incident when he was 7, which firmly entrenched his shame about his birthmark. When he finds his birthmark may grant him mystical powers over the opposite sex, will he finally be able to use his butt to his advantage?
RAW Manga Kono S wo, Mi yo! Volume 01-10 | このSを、見よ!第01-10巻
Kono S o, Mi yo! 01-02.rar – 103.5 MB
Kono S o, Mi yo! 03-04.rar – 102.3 MB
Kono S o, Mi yo! 05-06.rar – 102.7 MB
Kono S o, Mi yo! 07.rar – 127.1 MB
Kono S o, Mi yo! 08.rar – 106.1 MB
Kono S o, Mi yo! 09.rar – 105.4 MB
Kono S o, Mi yo! 10.rar – 105.0 MB