Shura no Mon Dai Ni Mon (修羅の門 第弐門) vol 18

Shura no Mon Dai Ni Mon (修羅の門 第弐門) vol 18

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修羅の門 第弐門
Shura no Mon Dai Ni Mon
Author(s): KAWAHARA Masatoshi
Mutsu Tsukumo was considered to be one of the greatest fighters of all time. He conquered Japan’s mixed martial arts (MMA), became the US boxing heavy weight champion and later came up on top at the Vale Tudo in Brazil where the best of the world compete. He accomplished all of this in 2 years and took the competitive fighting world by storm. However, just as the world recognized him to be the best, Mutsu Tsukumo disappeared into thin air and has not been heard of by anybody for almost 3 years.

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生膣ひゃくぱぁせんと!固結びのシンパ くぱぁ #1 ~あかね色・藍色のゆうわく~

生膣ひゃくぱぁせんと!固結びのシンパ くぱぁ #1 ~あかね色・藍色のゆうわく~

超激ヤバな過激SEXがてんこ盛りの、あかざわRED原作コミックをアニメ化した第1巻。靴紐の色で持ち主の性癖をアピールする「シンパ」。共鳴し合う靴紐は必然と引かれ合い、性癖MAXになれば生膣に大発射!相性はバツグン、最高のパートナー !?全2話を収録。あかね色のゆうわく☆「コスプレセックス希望」かわいいロリっ娘は、コスプレH!!体操服に身を纏いながら淫乱っ子の本虜大発揮。エロエロなカラダはぐっぽぐっぽにハメたくなり、くぱぁと全開、ドクッドクッと大発射!!藍色のゆうわく☆「M男くん・M男クン募集中」とても綺麗な管理人さんは、突如S女に豹変!!チンコを責めて責めて嬲り尽くし命令しながら、くぱぁと全開、ドクッドクッと大発射!!

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