Title : Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki (ポヨポヨ観察日記) – Update Volume 5
Alternative Name : ポヨポヨ観察日記, Poyo Poyo, Poyo Poyo Kansatsu Nikki, PoyoPoyo’s Observation Diary
Genre(s) : Seinen, Slice of Life
Author : TATSUKI Ruu
Artist : TATSUKI Ruu
Years : 2005
Status in Country of Origin : 05 Volumes (Ongoing)
Is it a pillow?!?!….no, it’s a CAT!! One night, 22-year-old Moe took in the ever-so pillow-like cat, Poyo. No doubt, Poyo not your everyday cat (doesn’t look or sound like one!), but that doesn’t stop Moe, her family, friends, and neighbors from loving the adorable spherical cat!! Ru Tatuki brings you the perfect amount of humor and warmth in this delightful feline 4-Koma manga!!
RAW Manga Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki Volume 01-05 | ポヨポヨ観察日記 第01-05巻
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki 01-03.rar – 106.5 MB
Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki 04-05.rar – 110.9 MB