Title : Yukimura-sensei to Kei-kun (雪村せんせいとケイくん)
Alternative Name : 雪村せんせいとケイくん, 雪村老师与京君, Yukimura Sensei to Kei kun
Genre(s) : Yaoi
Author : KIZU Natsuki
Artist : KIZU Natsuki
Years : 2013
Status in Country of Origin : 01 Volume (Complete)
It’s a story about the student Sunose Kei, who fell in love with the handsome yet cold teacher Yukimura Tsukasa, who looked annoyed everytime his student visited him. Even though Yukimura-sensei can’t turn away from Kei, he spends the night with another man. And what’s more is that he spends it with his ex-lover?! Now that’s a student-teacher story that you can’t miss.
RAW Manga Yukimura-sensei to Kei-kun | 雪村せんせいとケイくん
Yukimura-sensei to Kei-kun.rar – 103.6 MB
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